Source code for auto_prep.preprocessing.binning

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from ..utils.abstract import NonRequiredStep, Numerical
from ..utils.config import config
from ..utils.logging_config import setup_logger

logger = setup_logger(__name__)

[docs] class BinningTransformer(NonRequiredStep, Numerical): """ Transformer for performing binning (using qcut) or equal-width binning (using cut) on continuous variables and replacing the values with numeric labels, but only if the number of unique values exceeds 50% of the number of samples in the column. Attributes: threshold (float) : percent of unique values in a column in order to classify for binning. Default : 0.5 should_bin (dict) : dictionary to track which columns should be binned. bin_edges (dict) : dictionary to store the bin edged for each column. """ PARAMS_GRID = { "binning_method": ["qcut", "cut"], } def __init__(self, binning_method: str = "qcut"): """ Initializes the transformer with the number of bins for quantile binning and the binning method to use ('cut' or 'qcut'). Args: n_bins (int): The number of bins to create (default is 4). binning_method (str): The binning method to use ('cut' for equal-width, 'qcut' for quantile binning) (default 'qcut'). """ self.n_bins = config.n_bins self.threshold = 0.5 self.should_bin = {} # A dictionary to track which columns should be binned self.bin_edges = {} # Dictionary to store the bin edges for each column self.binning_method = binning_method
[docs] def fit(self, X: pd.DataFrame, y: pd.Series = None) -> "BinningTransformer": """ Fits the transformer by calculating the bin edges for each continuous column if the number of unique values exceeds the threshold of 50%. Args: X (pd.DataFrame): The input feature data. Returns: BinningTransformer: The fitted transformer instance. """ logger.start_operation( f"Fitting BinningTransformer with {self.n_bins} binning method : {self.binning_method}" ) try: for column in X.select_dtypes(include=[np.number]).columns: unique_values_ratio = len(X[column].unique()) / len(X[column]) if unique_values_ratio > self.threshold: self.should_bin[column] = True if self.binning_method == "cut": logger.debug( f"BinningTransformer: calculating bin edges for {column} using cut" ) self.bin_edges[column] = np.linspace( X[column].min(), X[column].max(), self.n_bins + 1 ) elif self.binning_method == "qcut": logger.debug( f"BinningTransformer: calculating bin edges for {column} using qcut" ) self.bin_edges[column] = np.percentile( X[column], np.linspace(0, 100, self.n_bins + 1) ) else: self.should_bin[column] = False logger.debug("Successfully fitted BinningTransformer.") except Exception as e: logger.error( f"Failed to fit BinningTransformer with method {self.binning_method}: {e}", exc_info=True, ) raise ValueError( f"Failed to fit BinningTransformer with method {self.binning_method}: {e}" ) finally: logger.end_operation() return self
[docs] def transform(self, X: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Transforms the data by replacing continuous values with their respective bin labels (numeric). Args: X (pd.DataFrame): The feature data. Returns: pd.DataFrame: The transformed data with bin labels. """ logger.start_operation( f"Transforming BinningTransformer with {self.n_bins} and binning_method {self.binning_method}" ) try: X_transformed = X.copy() for column in X_transformed.columns: if self.should_bin.get(column, False): if self.binning_method == "cut": logger.debug( f"BinningTransformer: transforming column: {column} using cut" ) X_transformed[column] = pd.cut( X_transformed[column], bins=self.bin_edges[column], labels=False, include_lowest=True, ) elif self.binning_method == "qcut": logger.debug( f"BinningTransformer: transforming column : {column} using qcut" ) X_transformed[column] = pd.qcut( X_transformed[column], q=self.n_bins, labels=False, duplicates="drop", ) logger.debug("Successfully transformed data with BinningTransformer") except Exception as e: logger.error( f"Failed to transform BinningTransformer with method {self.binning_method}: {e}", exc_info=True, ) raise ValueError( f"Failed to transform BinningTransformer with method {self.binning_method}: {e}" ) finally: logger.end_operation() return X_transformed
[docs] def fit_transform(self, X: pd.DataFrame, y: pd.Series = None) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Fits and transforms the data in one step. Args: X (pd.DataFrame): The feature data. Returns: pd.DataFrame: The transformed data with bin labels. """ logger.start_operation( f"Fitting ans transforming data with BinningTransformer n_bins: {self.n_bins} and binning_method: {self.binning_method}" ) try: transformed_X = logger.debug( f"Successfully fit_transformed data data with BinningTransformer n_bins: {self.n_bins} and binning_method: {self.binning_method}" ) except Exception as e: logger.error( f"Failed to fit_transform BinningTransformer with method {self.binning_method}: {e}", exc_info=True, ) raise ValueError( f"Failed to fit_transform BinningTransformer with method {self.binning_method}: {e}" ) finally: logger.end_operation() return transformed_X
[docs] def is_numeric(self) -> bool: return True
[docs] def to_tex(self) -> dict: """ Returns a description of the transformer in dictionary format. Returns: dict: Description of the transformer. """ return { "desc": "Performs binning on continuous variables and replaces them with numeric labels. ", "params": {"n_bins": self.n_bins, "binning_method": self.binning_method}, }