AutoPrep documentation
Auto-Prep is an automated data preprocessing and analysis pipeline that generates comprehensive LaTeX reports. It handles common preprocessing tasks, creates insightful visualizations, and documents the entire process in a professional PDF report. It focuses on tabular data, supporting numerous explainable AI models. Emphasizing interpretability and ease of use, it includes subsections for each model, explaining their strengths, weaknesses, and providing usage examples.
This project was developed as part of AutoML course at Warsaw University of Technology.
- auto_prep
- auto_prep package
- Subpackages
- auto_prep.modeling package
- Submodules
- auto_prep.modeling.handler module
- auto_prep.modeling.model_BayesianRidgeRegressor module
- auto_prep.modeling.model_DecisionTreeClassifier module
- auto_prep.modeling.model_GaussianNaiveClassifier module
- auto_prep.modeling.model_GradientBoostingRegressor module
- auto_prep.modeling.model_KNeighboursClassifier module
- auto_prep.modeling.model_KNeighboursRegressor module
- auto_prep.modeling.model_LinearRegression module
- auto_prep.modeling.model_LinearSVR module
- auto_prep.modeling.model_LogisticRegression module
- auto_prep.modeling.model_RandomForestRegressor module
- auto_prep.modeling.model_SVC module
- auto_prep.modeling.model_XGBoost module
- Module contents
- auto_prep.preprocessing package
- Submodules
- auto_prep.preprocessing.abstract module
- auto_prep.preprocessing.binning module
- auto_prep.preprocessing.correlation_filtering module
- auto_prep.preprocessing.dimention_reducing module
- auto_prep.preprocessing.encoding module
- auto_prep.preprocessing.feature_selecting module
- auto_prep.preprocessing.handler module
- auto_prep.preprocessing.imputing module
- auto_prep.preprocessing.outlier_detecting module
- auto_prep.preprocessing.redundancy_filtering module
- auto_prep.preprocessing.scaling module
- auto_prep.preprocessing.utils module
- auto_prep.preprocessing.variance_filtering module
- Module contents
- auto_prep.raporting package
- auto_prep.utils package
- auto_prep.visualization package
- auto_prep.modeling package
- Submodules
- auto_prep.prep module
- Module contents
- Subpackages
- auto_prep package