Source code for auto_prep.raporting.eda

from typing import Dict, List, Tuple

import pandas as pd

from ..utils.logging_config import setup_logger
from ..visualization.categorical import CategoricalVisualizer
from ..visualization.eda import EdaVisualizer
from ..visualization.numerical import NumericalVisualizer
from .raport import Raport

logger = setup_logger(__name__)

[docs] class EdaRaport: visualizers: list = [EdaVisualizer, CategoricalVisualizer, NumericalVisualizer] def __init__(self): self.charts_dt: Dict[str, List[Tuple[str, str]]] = {}
[docs] def run(self, X: pd.DataFrame, y: pd.Series, task: str): """Performs dataset EDA analysis based on the given task (classification or regression).""" logger.start_operation("EDA.") try: for visualizer_cls in EdaRaport.visualizers: logger.start_operation(f"{visualizer_cls.__name__} plot generation.") logger.debug( f"Will call plots in the following order: {visualizer_cls.order}" ) self.charts_dt[visualizer_cls.__name__] = [] for method_name in visualizer_cls.order: method = getattr(visualizer_cls, method_name) try: chart_dt = method(X, y, task=task) except TypeError: chart_dt = method(X, y) if isinstance(chart_dt, list) and len(chart_dt) > 0: self.charts_dt[visualizer_cls.__name__].extend(chart_dt) elif isinstance(chart_dt, tuple) and chart_dt[0] != "": self.charts_dt[visualizer_cls.__name__].append(chart_dt) logger.end_operation() except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Failed to perform EDA analysis: {str(e)}") raise e finally: logger.end_operation()
[docs] def write_to_raport(self, raport: Raport): """Writes eda section to a raport""" eda_section = raport.add_section("Eda") # noqa: F841 section_desc = "This part of the report provides basic insides to the data and the informations it holds.." raport.add_text(section_desc) for visualizer_name, charts_dt in self.charts_dt.items(): # raport.add_subsection(visualizer_name[: -len("Visualizer")]) if visualizer_name == "EdaVisualizer": raport.add_subsection("Target variable and missing values") elif visualizer_name == "CategoricalVisualizer": if charts_dt: raport.add_subsection("EDA for categorical features") elif visualizer_name == "NumericalVisualizer": if charts_dt: raport.add_subsection("EDA for numerical features") for path, caption in charts_dt: if caption == "Target distribution.": raport.add_reference(label=caption, prefix="Figure", add_space=True) raport.add_text(" shows the distribution of the target variable.") elif caption == "Missing values.": raport.add_reference(label=caption, prefix="Figure", add_space=True) raport.add_text( " shows the distribution of missing values in the dataset." ) elif caption == "Numerical Features Distribution - Page 1": raport.add_text( "The distribution of numerical features is presented on histogram(s) below." ) elif caption == "Categorical Features Distribution - Page 1": raport.add_text( "The distribution of categorical features is presented on barplot(s) below." ) elif caption == "Correlation heatmap.": raport.add_reference(label=caption, prefix="Figure", add_space=True) raport.add_text(" shows the correlation between features.") elif caption == "Boxplot page 1": raport.add_text( "The boxplot of numerical features is presented on chart(s) below." ) raport.add_figure(path=path, caption=caption, label=caption) return raport