Source code for auto_prep.raporting.raport

from typing import List

from pylatex import (
from pylatex.package import Package

from ..utils.config import config
from ..utils.logging_config import setup_logger

logger = setup_logger(__name__)

[docs] class Raport: """ Generates LaTeX reports with analysis results and visualizations. """ _instance = None def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): if not cls._instance: cls._instance = super(Raport, cls).__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs) cls._instance._initialize() return cls._instance def _initialize(self):"Initializing ReportGenerator with title: %s", config.raport_title) try: self.doc = Document( default_filepath=config.root_dir, geometry_options=config.tex_geomatry ) self.title = config.raport_title # Add necessary packages self.doc.packages.append(Package("graphicx")) self.doc.packages.append(Package("float")) self.doc.packages.append(Package("booktabs")) self.doc.packages.append(Package("hyperref")) self.doc.packages.append(Package("caption")) self.doc.packages.append(Package("subcaption")) self.doc.packages.append(Package("amsmath")) logger.debug("Initialized LaTeX document with packages") except Exception as e: logger.error("Failed to initialize ReportGenerator: %s", str(e)) raise
[docs] def add_header(self) -> None: """ Adds the title page and table of contents to the LaTeX document. """ try: logger.debug("Initializing header.") self.doc.preamble.append(NoEscape(r"\title{" + config.raport_title + "}")) self.doc.preamble.append(NoEscape(r"\author{" + config.raport_author + "}")) self.doc.preamble.append(NoEscape(r"\date{\today}")) self.doc.append(NoEscape(r"\maketitle")) self.doc.append(config.raport_abstract) self.doc.append(Command("tableofcontents")) self.doc.append(NoEscape(r"\newpage")) except Exception as e: logger.error("Failed to add header: %s", str(e)) raise
[docs] def add_section(self, title: str, description: str = "") -> Section: """ Adds a new section to the LaTeX document. Args: title (str): The title of the section. description (str, optional): The description of the section. Defaults to "". Returns: Section: The newly created section. """ section = Section(title) if description: section.append(description) self.doc.append(section) return section
[docs] def add_subsection(self, title: str) -> Subsection: """ Adds a new subsection to the LaTeX document. Args: title (str): The title of the subsection. Returns: Subsection: The newly created subsection. """ subsection = Subsection(title) self.doc.append(subsection) return subsection
[docs] def add_table( self, data: dict | list, caption: str = None, header: List[dict] = ["Category", "Value"], widths: list = None, label: str = None, ) -> None: """Add a table to the document with wrapped text, dividing columns equally across an A4 page. Args: data (dict | list): Data to convert to table. caption (str): Table caption. If None, no caption will be set. header (List[dict]): Table header. Defaults to ["Category", "Value"]. If None, no header will be set. widths (list) - column widths """ decimal_precision = config.raport_decimal_precision try: if isinstance(data, dict): data = list(data.items()) num_columns = len(header) if header is not None else len(data[0]) with self.doc.create(Table(position="H")) as table: with table.create(Center()) as centered: centered.append( NoEscape(r"\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.5}") ) # Adjust 1.5 as needed if widths is not None: # Use provided widths for columns alignment = " ".join([f"p{{{w}mm}}" for w in widths]) else: alignment = " ".join(["l" for _ in range(num_columns)]) with centered.create(Tabular(alignment)) as tabular: tabular.add_hline() if header is not None: if len(header) != num_columns: raise ValueError( f"Header length ({len(header)}) does not match " f"number of columns ({num_columns})." ) tabular.add_row( [NoEscape(f"\\textbf{{{c}}}") for c in header] ) tabular.add_hline() for row in data: # Check row length matches the number of columns if len(row) != num_columns: raise ValueError( f"Row length ({len(row)}) does not match number of " f"columns ({num_columns}): {row}" ) # Format row elements formatted_row = [ ( f"{value:.{decimal_precision}f}" if isinstance(value, float) else str(value) ) for value in row ] tabular.add_row(formatted_row) tabular.add_hline() if caption is not None: table.add_caption(caption) if label is not None: # Add label for referencing table.append(NoEscape(f"\\label{{{label}}}")) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Failed to add table {caption}: {str(e)}") raise
[docs] def add_figure( self, path: str, caption: str = None, size: int = 0.9, label: str = None ) -> None: """Add a figure to the document. Args: path (str): Path to the figure file. caption (str): Figure caption. If None, no caption will be set. size (int): % of width image is to take. Defaults to 0.9. """ try: with self.doc.create(Figure(position="H")) as fig: fig.add_image(path, width=NoEscape(rf"{size}\textwidth")) if caption is not None: fig.add_caption(caption) if label is not None: fig.append(NoEscape(f"\\label{{{label}}}")) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Failed to add figure {path}: {str(e)}") raise
[docs] def add_text(self, text: str) -> None: """Adds plain text to the LaTeX document. Args: text (str): The text to add to the document.""" try: self.doc.append(NoEscape(text)) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Failed to add text: {str(e)}") raise
[docs] def add_reference( self, label: str, prefix: str = "Table", add_space: bool = True ) -> None: """Adds a reference to a labeled element in the document. Args: label (str): The label of the element to reference. prefix (str): Text to prepend before the reference. Defaults to "Table". add_space (bool): If True, adds a space after the reference. Defaults to True. """ try: reference = NoEscape(f"{prefix}~\\ref{{{label}}}") if add_space: reference += NoEscape(" ") self.doc.append(reference) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Failed to add reference to {label}: {str(e)}") raise
[docs] def add_list(self, items: list, caption: str = None) -> None: """ Adds a bullet-point list to the document. Args: items (list): List of items to include in the bullet-point list. caption (str, optional): Optional caption or description above the list. """ try: if caption: self.doc.append(NoEscape(r"\text{" + caption + r"}")) with self.doc.create(Itemize()) as itemize: for item in items: itemize.add_item(str(item)) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Failed to add list: {str(e)}") raise
[docs] def add_verbatim(self, content: str) -> str: """Add verbatim text to the document. Args: content (str): Text to add in verbatim environment. Returns: str: Formatted text. """ try: self.doc.append( NoEscape( r"\begin{verbatim}" + "\n" + content + "\n" + r"\end{verbatim}" ) ) return content except Exception as e: logger.error("Failed to add verbatim content: %s", str(e)) raise
[docs] def generate(self) -> None: """ Generate the final PDF report. Args: output_path (str): Path where to save the PDF. """ try: logger.debug(f"Generating PDF at {config.raport_path}") self.doc.generate_pdf( config.raport_path, clean=False, clean_tex=False, compiler="pdflatex" ) self.doc.generate_pdf( config.raport_path, clean_tex=config.return_tex_, compiler="pdflatex" )"PDF generation complete") except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Failed to generate PDF: {str(e)}") raise