Source code for auto_prep.utils.logging_config

import logging
import sys
import time
from logging.handlers import RotatingFileHandler
from typing import Optional

from .config import config

[docs] class ColoredFormatter(logging.Formatter): """Custom formatter adding colors to levelname and timing information."""
[docs] def format(self, record: logging.LogRecord) -> str: """ Formats a logging record into a string. Args: record (logging.LogRecord): The logging record to be formatted. Returns: str: The formatted string representation of the logging record. """ # Add color to levelname levelname = record.levelname record.levelname = ( f"{config.logger_colors_map[levelname]}" + f"{levelname:<8}{config.logger_colors_map['RESET']}" ) # Add elapsed time if available if hasattr(record, "elapsed_time"): record.msg = f"{record.msg} ({record.elapsed_time:.2f}s)" return super().format(record)
[docs] class TimedLogger(logging.Logger): """Logger subclass that tracks operation timing.""" def __init__(self, name: str, level: int = logging.NOTSET): """ Initialize the TimedLogger. Args: name (str): The name of the logger. level (int, optional): The logging level. Defaults to logging.NOTSET. """ super().__init__(name, level) self._operation_start: Optional[float] = None self._current_operation: Optional[str] = None
[docs] def start_operation(self, operation: str) -> None: """ Initiates the timing of a specific operation. This method marks the beginning of an operation and starts the timer. It is used to track the duration of a specific operation or task. Args: operation (str): The name or description of the operation being timed. """ self._operation_start = time.time() self._current_operation = operation self.debug(f"→ {operation}")
[docs] def end_operation(self) -> None: """End timing the current operation and log the elapsed time.""" if self._operation_start and self._current_operation: elapsed = time.time() - self._operation_start self.debug(f"✓ {self._current_operation}", extra={"elapsed_time": elapsed}) self._operation_start = None self._current_operation = None
[docs] def setup_logger(name: str) -> TimedLogger: """ Sets up a logger with both file and console handlers. Args: name (str): The name of the logger. Returns: TimedLogger: An instance of the TimedLogger class, which is a subclass of the standard Python logger that adds timing functionality. """ logging.setLoggerClass(TimedLogger) logger = logging.getLogger(name) logger.setLevel(config.log_level) if not logger.handlers: if config.log_dir != -1: file_handler = RotatingFileHandler( f"{config.log_dir}/{name.split('.')[-1]}.log", maxBytes=1024 * config.max_log_file_size_in_mb, # 1MB backupCount=5, ) file_handler.setLevel(config.log_level) file_handler.setFormatter( logging.Formatter(config.log_format, config.log_date_format) ) logger.addHandler(file_handler) console_handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) console_handler.setLevel(config.log_level) console_handler.setFormatter( ColoredFormatter(config.log_format, config.log_date_format) ) logger.addHandler(console_handler) return logger